Desh Prem Azad, once a coach to Indian cricket team idol Kapil Dev, has breathed his last on Friday, 16th August. The Dronacharya awardee passed away at a private hospital in Mohali following 15 days of hospitalization.
Kapil Dev, who was shocked to learn of his coach's demise, paid tribute to him and said that Azad is a major contributor to his success. Kapil told Mid Day that his coach taught him to be disciplined.
"He was a disciplinarian. I still remember, I reached 20 minutes late for a practice session and he did not allow me to enter the nets for the next three days. He taught us discipline first and then other things. Discipline was a very crucial factor in being successful," he shared.
Kapil also added that Azad became his friend later and that he learned his game from the coach. Azad was 75 when he passed away.
Desh Prem Azad played 19 first-class matches and was a part of Kapil's life when the skipper led India towards a world cup win in 1983.
(AW: Sruthi)