Kapil Dev was invited as Chief Guest to the audio release of Dil Deewana movie at Hyderabad. Police Commissioners Anurag Sharma and C.V.Anand and film director Sekhar Kammula attended the function.
The audio function as per the present trend was conducted with song and dance programs and humorous presentations by comedians.
As the cricket fever has gone up with the recent thumping win of Indian team over West Indies matching with the retirement of cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar, the moment is utilized by the film unit to bring recognition to the function and make it a grand event.
Using a Hindi name Dil Diwana as its title to the movie is also going with the new trend as Kushi, Dil, Ishq and others. Hindi words have long back taken place in the songs as they make the North Indian singers at ease to pronounce with a feel of their own.
The movie is directed by Tumma Kiran who is film director Sekhar Kammula’s disciple. Producer is Raja Reddy. Debutants Raja Arjun Reddy and Rohit Reddy are playing lead roles in the movie. Nagababu will appear in a key role in the film. Abha Singhal and Neha Pandey are adding glamour to it. Music is scored by Ram Narayan. Comedy parts are played by the famous Jabardasth team.