In the match between Royal Challengers Bangalore and Kolkata Knight Riders on Wednesday, there were brief moments of negative energy playing their part between the skippers, Virat Kohli and Gautam Gambhir, on the field. Media, who couldn't stop appreciating the incident on the papers, got creative and compared it with the slap gate episode that made the news a few years ago. This angered and humiliated Sreesanth who was out of the game and the news for a long time now. He vented his frustration on Twitter with a series of tweets.
Here is a list of his Tweets (Source: NDTV)
"Jst read times of india sports page headlines..very very disappointing...yesterday s incident with Gautam Bhai Nd virat ..was compared ??? To me Nd Bhajji pa??really Nd written again about slap gate????enough of this s#%^t..Stop it.. I can't keep silent Anymore." (sic)
"(Bhajji Never Slapped me...all I did is play the game the way I had all my life.he lost it badly ..being the captain of MUMBAI he Lost it. He had no control over his anger..,Nd one more thing I wanna clear..he (nanavati sir ) knows the truth and the full ipl..he had lost it," he said. (sic)
"Every one blaming me Nd always writing and talking about slap gate??it really s**#s.the truth is in the video ..which is with ipl.. I want the world to c it..Whn I went to shake hands afte the match..he had lost it..he had already planned to hit me(elbow me)all his anger," he wrote.
In a series of tweets, the temperamental Kerala pacer said: "It's just tht's sad to c .the media still talking about it..really feels bad..slap,thappad,,,???'s not wht u all know."
"I was asked to say tht was my fault too..I was asked ..that's the truth was never my's sad.really sad…
"I ve moved on but whn I keep reading all this bull###*itreallu really does..but that's enough..anyways thnks to the media
"All this 5..6 years ..I was quite..not anymore..thr is much more thn wht u all even know..that's it"
Harbhajan refused to comment on Sreesanth's sudden emotional outburst.
The infamous slap gate episode: Sreesanth was allegedly slapped by Harbhajan Singh in a match between Kings XXI Punjab and Mumbai Indians after Harbhajan lost his cool as Sreesanth resorted to continuous sledging in the game.
(AW- Anil)