Facebook has introduced a new feature 'Donate Now' button to enable users to contribute to charity online. However, the button would reportedly help the social networking company to further develop its e-commerce and gaming efforts by collecting credit card numbers and other info related to billing for Facebook.
The 'Donate Now' button would be displayed by 19 non-profit launch partners in their Facebook Pages at the top and in their News Feed posts at the bottom, TechCrunch reported. The new feature allows the non-profits to take donations from Facebook users directly via a pop-up window. It also enables Facebook users the freedom to donate the amount they want to give by entering payment details or using other details with Facebook that is already stored.
Unicef, Red Cross, Boys and Girls Club of America, DonorsChoose.org, World Wildlife Fund and Kiva are some of the non-profits. Apparently, Facebook would forward 100% of the donation to the non-profits by paying the processing fee itself.
(Picture Source: seotechnocrat.com)
(AW: Pratima Tigga)