Though the new application introduced by Google on its leaderboard, is not an amused innovation, but its sports longer battery life will enhance its utility.
Whether the users will familiarize with the new updates of Google maps or not, they will definitely find it quite attractive for its battery life. The latest update to the Maps app, Mountain View delivered an extra level of functionality to the all but forgotten Latitude. Now check check-ins earn you points which are tallied and used to rank Google+ users on a global leaderboard, just like on Foursquare. The unofficial introduction of this update has also not created or rather evoked wide response but sure to pose as a threat to Foursquare. Though the feature is only visible after one checks-in the location, the takers are not many.
An expert quotes, the fresh update to the Android app, version 6.3 to be exact, brings along the customary bug fixes. And, for those of you using the Latitude and location history features, you should notice some improvements in the juice department -- because you need all the power you can get when stalking folks all over town. (With inputs from internet: AarKay)