The government is considering procurement of a large number of low-cost computing devices to leverage the benefit of broadband connectivity in universities and colleges in a phased manner.
Datawind, the maker of the lowest-priced tablet 'Aakash', today said it would make a request to the HRD ministry to specify made in India devices in the proposed tender for procurement of the devices, According to Datawind CEO Sunit Singh Tuli. Datawind successfully made the $49.48 tablet Aakash in India despite various pressures. He added it would make a request to the ministry (MHRD) to consider 'Made in India clause' to encourage indigenous production.
He added the most critical components, chips and software were being designed in India and the tablet had been manufactured in India and hence there was no reason why the tablet should be made outside India. The government is considering procurement of a large number of low-cost computing devices to leverage the benefit of broadband connectivity in universities and colleges in a phased manner.
In the first phase, the ministry had come out with a tender to procure 1 lakh devices in the name of project 'Aakash' which was won by Datawind. According to Tuli, the Assam government tender had included the 'Made in India' clause and he hoped IIT Rajasthan would also consider entering a similar clause for the proposed tender.