Generally we know the amount of excess stress being taken in our day to day life will affect our physical health and thought process as well. Excess of stress does not only affect your daily routine but also your sexual life, according to the recent researches. Active and healthy sex life can reduce the stress levels at a large extent, as per this research.
But, if you are stressed out and living in the stress for a more time then there is no chance of you even thinking about having an active sex life. You always being in stress, thinking something or the other will reduce your enthusiasm in sex life considerably and this can lead to reducing your confidence levels as well. This thought can lead to such an extent where you can definitely think of staying away from your partner, de motivate yourself develop a kind of irritation on yourself. Within no time, this kind of a though process running in your mind will definitely lead to adverse effects in your relationship. This can also lead to your separation with your partner, after a series of situations that provoke miss understanding between you both...
If you think all these are definitely not needed in your life and relationship then work on reducing the stress levels, staying away from any unwanted situation, keep your mind and thought process as calm and cool as possible and inculcate the habit of let going.
You can not only live happily but definitely make your partner happy...