The joy of parenting is also most important to the humankind... we strive to enhance the love and relationship with our partner. But what about our kids who are form of the love and affection of You and Your partner???
For various reasons and we being busy in our own lives, many times we tend to forget what do actually our kids want... are we taking proper care of them??? Does taking care of kids would only refer to good education and decent living of kids or has to do with their personality development and they being transformed into good human beings???
Despite of inculcating all good values and responsibilities, are you still finding your kids turning rude with their behavior day by day, losing their sensitive mentality and indulging in quarrelling with any or all surrounded by them each day? Are they not responding to you properly as well??? Wait for a minute, just think are you responsible for your kid’s ill behavior...
Kids are the address of naughtiness and almost every day they come up with a new problem or a mistake... if the mistake they have done is really a big one, then they deserve a bit of harsh behavior from you in the process of letting them know the importance of they being correct and the do's and don'ts for happiness of themselves. But every day you tend to criticize them by comparing them with other kids or their friends for every small mistake they do, you scolding them and repeatedly addressing them to be fit for nothing, will definitely change their mind and behavior for the worst.
It is a fact that our heart cannot take rejection... then what about the feelings and emotions of innocent kids who see the World through our eyes and foot prints??? If we parents ourselves would not tend to trust them and hurt them, how will they inculcate confidence and be sensitive towards other's problems? No doubt they will become rude in their behavior and only abuse their friends or people surrounded by them, both physically and emotionally...
So, have patience... make your kid understand how much you love him with your actions and how important he and his needs are for your live with your behavior and love... there is nothing that cannot be achieved with love...
Pour in more love and enhance your relationship with your kid and loved ones.