Want to be the first choice for your partner? I mean, at the first moment your partner thinks something out of his work, it should be you... who does not want to gain such importance in the heart and life of their partner??? But, for this, you need to work a little on your behavioral trait as well...
Not a rocket science anyway but 'love' sense;
Love yourself first before expecting any other to love you... now the question arises 'how do I love myself?'... well, right from the way you dress to the way you behave, talk, think your complete personality and behavioral trait should be lovable to the most by YOU... just try analyzing your every move to alter it if needed... don't behave or talk to impress others... you are not an entertainment channel in any way... transform yourself in a way that you should love yourself and admire yourself... once you succeed here, your partner will automatically fall in love with you forever.
Expectation is the mother of all the problems... right from love to when it comes to your partner, you expect everything from either the situation or the person and end up ruining your happiness when the expectations does not turn out to be according your thought. So, stop expecting and start thinking, implementing on what you can give to your partner... may be unconditional love, peace of mind and a happy atmosphere at home or when your partner is with you... try succeeding in this act, there will be no chance of your partner leaving you...
Of course, you own your partner but just as you think you should have some space in the relationship, so will be your partner. So, just be matured enough to not to peep into your partner’s mobile or wallet, spy on what your partners moves are and ending up losing your love, may be for life time... just give that space and unconditional love to your partner.