• how facebook effects kids health, how social media effects kids health, social media linked to poor health of kids, Your kids

    Social media linked to poor health of kids 24 July 2015

    If your kid is spending more time on social media, then he or she may be at risk of developing poor mental health, high psychological distress and even suicidal thoughts. The paper appeared in the journal Cyberpsychology, Behaviour, and Social...

    Keywords: Social media linked to poor health of kids, Excess ‘Facebooking’ can make your kid mentally sick, Excess use of Facebook may put your kids at risk, Excess ‘Facebooking’ can make your kid mentally sick

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    reaction, Anushka Sharma, teach your kids to respect women anushka sharma on bengaluru incident, Your kids

    “Teach your kids to respect women” Anushka Sharma on Bengaluru Incident 06 January 2017

    After Virat Kohli reacted on Bengaluru incident, his girlfriend and Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma also spoke on that. She said "women get molested in a crowd. Bystanders watch, no one steps to help. Senseless people comment on women's clothes and...

    Keywords: reaction, Anushka Sharma, reaction, Bengaluru Mass Molestation

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    Teaching Your Kids Good Manners, Teaching Your Kids Good Manners, teaching your kids good manners, Your kids

    Teaching Your Kids Good Manners 16 August 2011

    1. Lead by example. If you want your kids to behave according to good social decorum, be a model of polite behavior. If you have lost some of the lessons you learned from your parents and grandparents, read a book...

    Keywords: Teaching Your Kids Good Manners, Teaching Your Kids Good Manners, Teaching Your Kids Good Manners, Teaching Your Kids Good Manners

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    Distance, Aggressive Nature, why you should not beat your kids, Your kids

    Why You Should Not Beat Your Kids? 13 October 2012

    Many parents still believe in the age old conception, "Spare the rod and spoil the child." But it is high time that you change this notion. Any kinds of oppressive treatment to the kids, be it scolding or beating is...

    Keywords: Aggressive Nature, Aggressive Nature, Obesity, Aggressive Nature

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    parenting, relation with your kids, love your kid right, Your kids

    Love your kid... right 13 February 2013

    As we always say, love and relationships are not just limited among life partners, but extended to their kids as well. These days, may be because of the fast paced life style or lack of parents interference at a much...

    Keywords: kids, love and relationship, parenting, love and relationship

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    healthy food, kids travel packages, travel with your kids, Your kids

    Travel with your kids 11 June 2013

    We love to travel always, but after became mom travel with your baby's can be stressful. Your travel life needn't grind to a halt just because you've become a parent. You will have great joy with travel with your little...

    Keywords: travel toys, Holiday trips, travel toys, travel with kids.

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    Good relationship, Great Relationship, build great relationship with your teen, Your kids

    Build great relationship with your Teen.... 03 July 2012

    Your kid is no more addicted to you. in fact your presence might seem inconvenience to your Teen kid. on top of all these, your extra love and care appearing to be a hurdle to your Teen, all these and...

    Keywords: Teenage, Teenage, Good relationship, Selflessly

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    behavor, loving your kids, loving your kids love them right, Your kids

    Loving your kids??? Love them right 18 March 2013

    You might have come across that mischievous kid who rules his/her parents and makes sure what ever being asked is to be given on time, irrespective of the use of what they have asked for. This is not all, may...

    Keywords: child care, love, children, kids behavior

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    Top 10 safety and security tips, Top 10 safety and security tips, how to keep your kids safe this summer, Your kids

    How to keep your kids safe this summer 26 March 2015

    Summer holidays are the most awaited holidays for children. They provide great time for children to experience new things, to grow in different directions and to spend time with friends and family. During this season parents must be very cautious...

    Keywords: tips for parents, Summer Tips for children, safety and security measures, Top 10 safety and security tips

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    I love you, I love you, make him feel special, Your kids

    'Make him feel Special'.... 23 July 2012

    You have 100 others in the journey of life, from your parents to your colleagues and even your kids… but, Your Man is ‘Special’ for you and your priority at any given point of time… even though this is a...

    Keywords: your kids, Special, your kids, journey of life

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    Cyber-bullying, wary on wards mobile usage, save your kids from cyber bullying india alerted, Your kids

    Save your kids from `Cyber-bullying,’ India alerted 19 January 2012

    Social networking and social media sites are most predominantly used by teens (15-18).  Their   hard pressed to stay connected online has opened the door to cyber-bullying. Bullying in educational institutes, to some extent has been controlled with the anti ragging...

    Keywords: India leads, caution parents, advice to parents of teens, wary on wards mobile usage

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