Many parents still believe in the age old conception, "Spare the rod and spoil the child." But it is high time that you change this notion. Any kinds of oppressive treatment to the kids, be it scolding or beating is extremely bad for them in a number of ways. There is no reason to believe that your kids will go out of control if you do not beat them. Here are a few reasons as to why you should never hit your kids.
Aggressive Nature- If you happen to spank your kids then that results in an aggressive natura of the kids. When you hit the kids, you portray is the aggressive and the brutal side of your character. And that is exactly what your kid learn from you. Also as you beat the kids they grow an inner aversion towards the action of yours that gets reflected in their character.
Stubborn Attitude- Beating does no good to the kids and this is not at all the right method to implement child discipline. They become more stubborn. They come to have a feeling that no mater what they do, corporal punishment is awaiting them. They also develop an urge of doing the same thing much more than before. Some kids even take to drugs because of this.
Distance- If you give corporal punishment to your kids then they nourish a feeling that you do not love them. Though that is completely wrong, there is nothing that you can do to change this feeling. There grows a distance between the parents and the child. Instead of developing a friendly relationship they will have hostile feelings. They will also hesitate to share any of their troubles with you. Thus, we see that how beating up kids is not at all a good way to infuse child discipline.
Introvert- If you are in a habit to spank your kids then better change it. Many a times this has been seen that kids who are given corporal punishment at home grow to be an introvert as they remain depressed most of the times.
Obesity- Did you know that corporal punishment to kids may make them obese? Yes, if you spank the kids then they find methods in which they can engage themselves. They take to eating and spending lazy hours at home ad school. These are extremely unhealthy habits that causes obesity.
These are all a few reasons as to why you should not hit your kids. Try to make them understand in a peaceful manner through discussion. Trust me this is magical and always work wonders.