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  • Miss England beauty pageant, first transsexual entrant, first transsexual enters miss england pageant, Transsexual

    First transsexual enters Miss England pageant 20 January 2012

    Remarkable in the history that a boy by birth always felt that he was a she and wanted to make the change over as early as five, but swapped roles in 16. Now enters the beauty contest with special distinction....

    Keywords: Susan Greens, Jackie Greens, transsexual, Miss England beauty pageant

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    I'm a girl, God has made a mistake, transgender at sixteen, Transsexual

    Transgender at sixteen..! 06 November 2012

    If you see her now you won't be able to tell that once upon a time her sexual identity was different. She is arguably worlds youngest person to have a gender change operation at the age of sixteen. That is...

    Keywords: BBC documentary, rapped in a body she hated, God has made a mistake, mutilate her genitals

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    ladyboy shop assistant, Thai ladyboy, slideshow trangenders to fly high as flight attendants, Transsexual

    SLIDESHOW: Trangenders to fly high as flight attendants 04 January 2012


    Keywords: Thai ladyboy, Trangenders to fly high as flight attendants, katoeys, Thai ladyboy

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