If you see her now you won't be able to tell that once upon a time her sexual identity was different. She is arguably worlds youngest person to have a gender change operation at the age of sixteen. That is Jackie Green for you, who now has become a model and is a former Miss England Finalist.
Aged just four, and then named Jack, Jackie told her mother Susan “God has made a mistake, I should be a girl.” Trapped in a body she hated, Jackie first overdosed aged 11 and made six more suicide attempts before she was 15. Medicines were locked in a safe and knives had to be hidden away. She threatened to mutilate her genitals.
"I'm a girl, I always have been-there's never been any doubt in my mind about that. It’s just that my body didn’t match because, as far as I’m concerned, I had a birth defect," she said.
To overcome that she had a gender change operation that has changed the entire direction of her life. The sad girly boy of one time is a stunning looking model now.
"Without that surgery, I wouldn't be here now," the Daily mail quoted her as saying.
Jackie is now a subject to a BBC documentary where the her life story will be chronicled.
Life surely has a way of surprising everyone indeed!