Successful marriage

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  • important the intense desire, Bhavya chose her partner, life partner or partner for life, Successful marriage

    Life Partner or Partner for Life? 17 November 2011

    My friend Bhavya… and intelligent, independent and self-sufficient Woman.  She was bold enough to let her decision become a reality, and made her parents agree for her, staying away from her home town in a hostel, work in an MNC....

    Keywords: Life Partner or Partner for Life, rest of your life with, love, important the intense desire

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    love and relationship, marriage myths, marriage rules meant to be broken, Successful marriage

    Marriage Rules Meant to be Broken 09 January 2014

    Some say that couples should never sleep over a fight. We say, "It's 2014!" Meaning it's high time to debunk the outdated marriage myths and go for a reality check. If you truly want a long, successful and fulfilling marriage,...

    Keywords: Successful Marriage, Successful Marriage, Love, happy marriage

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