Stressed out? Watch out... 12 January 2013
Of course, we human beings are designed by some super natural power in such a way, that we stand up for any negative situation, take stress, pressure and work over overcoming the same... happiness and tough times are very much...
Keywords: asthma, positive thinking, negative errects, physical exercise
Read MoreAlter your mood swings... balance them! 24 November 2012
Happy at one moment... out of mind, the very next moment... Researchers have some ideas on what causes mood swings, ranging from the environmental to the biological and even the chemical. While we may find it easier to blame the...
Keywords: stress, happiness, mood swings, hectic environments
Read MoreCauses of mood swings... 12 December 2012
If your family, friends and co-workers have been driving you mad lately, and you feel as if you're losing your mind, you may suffer from mood swings. Symptoms of mood swings include irritability, depression, fatigue and insomnia. Mood swings are caused by a hormonal imbalance...
Keywords: stress free tips, good mood, mood swings, happy moment
Read MoreSurprise your partner to the best... 30 October 2012
One that always keeps my mood awaken, is Surprise... be it me receiving or being at the other end... and what more exciting could be than surprising your partner/boyfriend??? Rather than picking up that favorite shirt/watch or shades of his,...
Keywords: tips, tips, tips for romance, tips for romance
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