Sagara haram

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  • Congress, no mmts, t march leads to partisan trs t jac look opposite directions, Sagara haram

    T March leads to partisan, TRS, T JAC look opposite directions! 01 October 2012

    The T March called as 'Sagara Haram' (garland around Hussainsagar) protest on Sunday agitating for the resolution of Telangana, has made two good friends part ways.  Though these are just rumors based on some live incidents, speculators say that there...

    Keywords: T March, no mmts, no mmts, no mmts

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    Kodandaram, TRS and TJAC, is tjac overshadowing trs, Sagara haram

    Is TJAC overshadowing TRS! 01 October 2012

    The T March, 'Sagara Haram' (garland around Hussainsagar) protest on Sunday, once again revealed the growing differences between the constituents. The warring nature between the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) and the TJAC emerged on the stage of the Sagara Haram....

    Keywords: Kodandaram, , TRS and TJAC, T march jai telangana

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    T March, Sagara Haram, no mmts trains till noon t march repercussions, Sagara haram

    No MMTS trains till noon: : T March repercussions 01 October 2012

    Due to a technical snag between the Nampally and Secuderabad Stations there shall be MMTS trains till noon today say the railway sources. The break in the communication lines occurred at the Hussain Sagar junction where T activists struck havoc...

    Keywords: bandh, T JAC, no mmts, bandh

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    Congress, , congress in a fix t march repercussions, Sagara haram

    Congress in a fix: T March repercussions 01 October 2012

    Late last night the Home Monister Sabitha Indra Reddy, DGP Dinesh Reddy and the Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy met at the CM's camp office. The security department duo enlightened the CM over the various incidents that unfolded in...

    Keywords: Congress, Sagara Haram, T March,

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    bandh, T March, today bandh t march repercussions, Sagara haram

    Today Bandh: T March repercussions 01 October 2012

    The Telangana Students Forum and the OU Student Joint Action Committee's have jointly called for a bandh today. This was owing to the alleged excesses of the police force during the 'Sagara Haram' (garland around Hussainsagar)  program conducted by the...

    Keywords: T JAC, bandh, T bandh, Sagara Haram

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    T JAC, bandh, t march government was forced to act accordingly, Sagara haram

    T March: Government was forced to act accordingly 01 October 2012

    The hottest topic on the agenda in the city is that will the offices and establishments open for the day. It may be noted that late last night The Telangana Students Forum and the OU Student Joint Action Committee's have...

    Keywords: , , OU JAC, T march jai telangana

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    Sagara Haram, , people s agitation jai telangana t march, Sagara haram

    People's agitation Jai Telangana: T March 01 October 2012

    The otherwise sober Sunday was filled with a loud voices that uni-vocally said, 'Jai Telangana.' The voice for a separate Telangana was well heard since sometime, but the one heard yesterday was fierce and strong. Lakhs of activists proceeded to...

    Keywords: Sagara Haram, OU JAC, Congress, Sagara Haram

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