The otherwise sober Sunday was filled with a loud voices that uni-vocally said, 'Jai Telangana.' The voice for a separate Telangana was well heard since sometime, but the one heard yesterday was fierce and strong. Lakhs of activists proceeded to the 'Sagara Haram' (garland around Hussainsagar) call by the Prof Kodandaram, TJAC supremo. Everything started of well, actually the stipulated timing was in the evening, but the activists started assembling since the morning. Huge crowds joined the cadre by the evening.
Parties cut across boundaries and united for a unique cause, the expression for the imminent need for a separate state. The length and breadth of the gatherings should have well hinted the government the need for addressing the T issue on a war footing. Both the center and the state governments were mulling over the issue for quite some time. However today's gathering should have sent strong signals to both the governments that the issue could burst out at any time. And the devastation would be ghastly that would have been never heard before.
The activists showed their synchrony, by showing the government that they are ready to dare worst political power or worst natural power, if needed to obtain their demands. This they demonstrated last night when Prof Kodandaram made an appeal for the activists to stay back at the venue for the night. Instantly the crowd decided to stay back at the venue. Imagine it was raining heavily, yet they dared the natural power and stayed back.
As the timing given for the protest was coming to an end and as the activists were in no mood to leave the venue, security personnel had no option but to exercise their power after several warnings. They opened tear gas and a lot of tussle followed which in the end resulted in an ultimate chaotic situation. Yet the activists were relentless and sat on the paths that went around the lake.
As a repercussions to the Sunday's protest, the Telangana Students Forum and the OU Student Joint Action Committee's have jointly called for a bandh on Monday. They also wanted all the Ministers from T region to submit their resignation by today noon. Or else they informed that the student forces will protest in front of the houses of the leaders. They also hinted over the action on Seemandhra commercial establishments.
While the people question, can't we protest peacefully for a social cause, the government on the other hand is trying its highhandedness in restricting the people's need, retort the agitators. This agitation should have sent necessary signals to Delhi as what people of this region want......(With inputs from internet-AW AarKay)