Muslim women

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  • triple talaq, Whatsapp talaq, now triple talaq as whatsapp dp, Muslim women

    Now Triple Talaq as Whatsapp DP 04 March 2017

    In a shocking incident, an NRI, has divorced his wife by setting an image having talaq written thrice as his Whatsapp DP. This bizare act shows how Muslim women are vulnerable towards their safety and security.This happens when there is...

    Keywords: Whatsapp talaq, triple talaq, triple talaq, Whatsapp talaq

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    Muslim women, Muslim women, modi hails sc judgment on triple talaq as historic, Muslim women

    Modi Hails SC Judgment On Triple Talaq As “Historic” 22 August 2017

    Modi Hails SC Judgment On Triple Talaq As “Historic”:- The Supreme Court verdict on triple talaq has been hailed as “historic” by Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi and said it grants equality to Muslim women. He said, for women empowerment...

    Keywords: PM Modi, Muslim women, SC Verdict On Triple Talaq, SC Verdict On Triple Talaq

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    Bharatiya Muslim Mahila Andolan (BMMA), Muslim women, bharatiya muslim mahila andolan collects 50 000 signatures against triple talaq, Muslim women

    Bharatiya Muslim Mahila Andolan collects 50,000 signatures against triple talaq 01 June 2016

    The Bharatiya Muslim Mahila Andolan (BMMA) has started a campaign to seek abolishing of triple talaq in India and collected 50,000 signatures in support of the demand. The organisation has approached the National Commission for Women (NCW) urging it to...

    Keywords: Bharatiya Muslim Mahila Andolan (BMMA), Muslim women, triple talaq, Muslim women

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