Healthy mind lives in a healthy body 15 May 2013
Most of the people today feel it is difficult to loss their weight, for good health and to reduce diseases it is necessary to loss extra weight. Here listed tips which will helpful to the best possible chance in achieving...
Keywords: weight loss tips, weight loss tips, diet plan, weight loss.
Read MoreObesity??? No more a problem 12 March 2013
According to the research done by National Obesity foundation, the obesity problem is increasing year by year, particularly in Women and Children. Of course Doctors are in demand for those who are suffering from obesity problem... apart from taking medication...
Keywords: childrens obesity, childrens obesity, obesity foundation, obesity
Read MoreMaintain a healthy body 23 May 2013
Improve your Psychological health and maintain healthy body. Having a healthy body image means that you feel good about your body. A healthy body image is crucial to self-confidence, self-acceptance and self-worth. If you don't have a healthy body image,...
Keywords: exercise, healthy body image, exercise, meditation
Read MoreHealth through Right Diet 28 October 2013
Food intake gives us energy when it is properly digested. Physical body system maintains its health as a default program as long as it gets energy in the required quantity. Health deteriorates only when the energy depletes from the physical...
Keywords: Ayurveda, Food, Diet, Food
Read MoreBenefits of Yoga in Your Life 13 November 2013
Health and Yoga Yoga is the path to a peaceful and happy life. It's an ancient discipline that helps us to calm our mind and cleanse the body through its various asanas or postures. Regular practise of yoga asanas will...
Keywords: healthy life, yoga benefits, yoga postures, Benefits of Yoga in Your Life
Read MoreHealth now and before, where we are going wrong 11 July 2013
Maintaining good health now is seemingly harder than before. Something somewhere is amiss. During the times of our grandmother and grandfather, they ate differently. Foods were more natural and wholesome. These days, our generation is exposed to high sugary food....
Keywords: good food, six pack abs, nutritional food, Mahesh six pack
Read MoreLite lo, to get healthy body 17 July 2013
In order to have problem free health, one must maintain a problem free lifestyle. This message can be said again and again in different words but the necessity remains the same. With increasing stress affecting people from all walks of...
Keywords: problem free health, healthy body, effects of stress on health, Tension free life
Read MoreLove keeps you healthy 13 July 2013
It has been said that those in a relationship seem to have a natural glow on their faces. It's not far from the truth. The heart matters, and matters of the heart are best expressed as love. For overall well...
Keywords: well being, well being, Love keeps you healthy, health tips
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