Say no to excess intake of calcium: Study 25 May 2012
A new study has said that excess intake of calcium can cost you dearly. The risk of heart attacks will be more among those who take too much calcium in their daily diet. The study conducted on 23, 980 persons...
Keywords: heart attack, Excessive intake of calcium, heart attack, German Cancer Research Foundation
Read MoreImportance of calcium in Women 06 December 2012
Your body requires calcium to form strong bones when you are young and to keep bones strong as you getolder. Everyone needs calcium, but it’s exclusively important for women and girls. Girls ages 9 to 18 need 1,300 mg (milligrams)...
Keywords: human body, women calcium, lactate, human body
Read MoreToo much of Calcium intake??? Reason to keep a check.. 29 October 2012
When it comes to a healthy diet - especially for women, and especially after menopause - nutritionists, doctors, everybody it seems, will tell you: calcium, calcium, calcium. Federal health officials recommend that women and men younger than 50 consume 1,000...
Keywords: calcium, food for calcium, healthy diet, tips for healthy food
Read MoreAre you eating these for your health??? 26 November 2012
The term 'good food' may differ to you and me... but, there are some foods that are common and needed to be taken on a regular basis as a part of your meal, for a healthy YOU; Blueberries have more...
Keywords: disease fighting potential, vegetables, bone building calcium, vegetables
Read MoreAre you concerned about your health? 02 January 2013
In today's World of Multi tasking and Women being looked upon as better multi taskers, it is quite natural that We end up having the negative effects of multi tasking as well... and that is the diseases we will be...
Keywords: exercise, weight loss, food for god health, vitamins
Read MoreStudy Says Vitamin D Deficiency Leads To Osteoporosis Risk 30 July 2020
Study Says Vitamin D Deficiency Leads To Osteoporosis Risk:- The researchers found that the deficiencies of Vitamin D and Calcium in the body lead to a higher risk of osteoporosis and poor bone health. The research got published in the...
Keywords: Osteoporosis risk the USA, Vitamin D deficiency, Osteoporosis risk the USA, Osteoporosis risk
Read MoreMake your bone structure strong... 10 December 2012
A strong bone structure can make you live healthy and happy. but, the problem is, you don't have a bone structure that is 'strong'. not to worry, you can make your bones strong… all you need to follow is these...
Keywords: bone structure, bone health, bone structure, strong bones
Read MoreMango may have harmful gas welding chemical? 13 June 2015
Considered the “king of fruits”, mangoes are occupying prime places on shelves in markets across the State. Your favourite summer fruit may be a store house of harmful chemicals in the garb of a bright yellow colour! The issue of artificial...
Keywords: Harmful mangoes, Chemicals in Mangoes, Artifical ripening, Artifical ripening
Read MoreDreaming for a clear and clean skin? 03 December 2012
Smooth and clear skin is our dream, irrespective of our gender. Smooth and clear skin is a big turn on... but, these skin rashes are definitely a hurdle to our beauty... let's fight against these rashes with the following beauty...
Keywords: winter skin care, calcium water, drink water, olive oil
Read MoreGood nutrition for women of all ages 20 August 2011
Good nutrition starts with the basics: a well-rounded diet consisting of whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, and lean sources of protein. These kinds of foods provide women with plenty of energy, the means for lifelong weight control,...
Keywords: Nutrition for women, Caffeine, Good Tips, Vegetables
Read MoreMantras for a healthy U! 28 June 2012
Calcium and Iron are considered as best friends for Woman's health... but, we also need to have an idea as what type of food is rich in Calcium and Iron in accordance to plan our diet... here are some suggestions...
Keywords: idea, Perfect body structure, accordance, health
Read MoreBone health In Woman... 21 November 2012
Sharing this article, that is worth ready for every Woman; For women, bone health begins at a young age. A woman acquires about 85 percent to 90 percent of her bone mass during childhood and adolescence. By age 18, her...
Keywords: milk, yogurt, Bones Strong, yogurt
Read MoreFor a happy period... 06 December 2012
Are you facing problems like bloating, fatigue, cramps, headache, digestive problems and mood swings before and during your menstrual cycle? Well, then the best way to get rid of all these is through a proper food intake during this time;...
Keywords: beauty, womens period, potassium, anxiety
Read MoreSuper woman... but are you healthy? 15 December 2012
Be a working woman or a home maker... Woman is known for managing and attending multiple things at a time... and as a result, we need extra care to be taken when it comes to our health... apart from following...
Keywords: health tips, health tips, exercise, fitness
Read More9 weird things linked to heart attacks 07 October 2012
When it comes to heart attacks, most people think a steady diet of greasy food and sedentary living is to blame. While it’s true that diet and lifestyle play a role (not to mention, family history), there are other, less...
Keywords: diet and lifestyle, , Calcium supplements, Relationship issues
Read MoreDiet Dos & Don'ts During Periods 14 August 2012
No woman has an easy time during her monthly periods. However, half the problems we face during our periods can be solved by eating the right food. "Food can counter muscle pain, blood loss and water retention," says Dr Rachna...
Keywords: Calcium, Minerals, Minerals, Diet Dos & Don'ts During Periods
Read MoreSimple ways to be healthy... 13 December 2012
Being healthy is not so difficult... just as you should know the technique to solve a problem, no matter to what genre it is related, similarly, you should know some tips to be healthy... here are some to help you...
Keywords: calcium, extra weight, good sleep, weight loss
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