Irrespective of following that proper diet and leading a healthy life style is you still porn to body aches and pains? These might be some of the reasons for your pains;
Viral syndrome that could cause n number of problems like stuffy nose, head ace, body pains and a sort of dullness that causes over all body dullness... keep a check on what have you ate and where did you drink the water for last 15 days. Many times, a simple negligence might cause you a lot.
You might have ignored exercise and physical activity for quite some time now??? Your busy work schedule or you just feeling lazy might have caused these body pains. You know, the sings of you putting on weight could also cause the body pain. Just keep a check on your weight.
Do you know, even meditation has got some side affects if not done properly. Medication side effects include nausea, vomiting, stomach upset, weakness, dizziness, seizures, and more.
If you are tired or thinking constantly one something, your lack of sleep will also cause a problem. Sleep deprivation occurs when the lack of restful sleep is severe enough to compromise basic body functions.
These and many more reasons can cause body aches and pains. Now, it is up to you to analyze what is the reason for your pains.