With ever increasing stress and busy mechanical life, people are tending to develop n number of variety diseases. And most dreadful disease, which people often attract with unhealthy life style is, diabetes. While avoiding mechanical life is beyond your limit, you can, however, try inviting healthy diet to put kidney disease at bay.
Several scientists, after carrying out the experiments and studies on preventing diabetes, have come out with interesting facts. They said by adhering to some kinds of food, one can remain healthy forever. Since such foods have the capacity to maintain the good health, scientists labelled them as superfoods. Want to know what all come under superfoods?
Half cup of green cabbage contains six milligrams of sodium, 60 milligrams of potassium and nine milligrams of phosphorus. In fact, cabbage contains vitamins K, C and B6 besides fiber and folic acid. Nutritionists said that regular intake of cabbage at least as side dish will work wonders for kidneys. That's the reason why most of the cuisines use cabbage as side dish even when they serve non-vegetarian main dish.
Half cup onion is equal to three milligrams of sodium, 116 milligrams of potassium and three milligrams of phosphorus. So, make sure you eat raw onion even when you dig your teeth into sizzling pizzas and yummy burgers.
This is probably one fruit, which is considered ideal of all types of people. Although there's no sodium in it, an average medium size apple contains 158 milligrams of potassium and ten milligrams of phosphorus. Apples not only reduce cholesterol and constipation but even the risks of renal failure. That's why there came the proverb ages ago, an apple a day keeps doctor away.