Wrapped in unknown tensions and worries that the mechanical life offers, today's generation is slowly slipping into frustration. This would not only make you socially isolated but can take your health for toll. If you are worried that you are unable to cope with work place stress or family tensions, don't rush to a counselor immediately. Follow certain things and you can certainly avoid tension.
Early to bed keeps mind healthy and it's not meant to use as a pro-verb guys. Try practicing it and would be realizing the difference in a short span of time. Wake up before sun rise and go out for a walk. This would also burn your extra calories and relieve you off mental tensions. While you walk, take deep breathe and enjoy the cool breeze. Once you are back home from walk, take a glass full of fresh fruit juice. This is the best way of beating the shell of stress without damaging the health.
Take time to laugh at least during your short breaks. Laughing has got a great significance and that's the reason why doctor introduced laughter therapy. Regular laughing will keep you away from tensions. Listen to music while you work. This is another best way to wash out your stress at work. Several medical studies have proved that employees who listened to music while they work not only maintained their health but also kept stress at bay. This in turn would increase the productivity too.
So, adhere to these steps. Don't rush to pubs and discotheques to beat stress. You may beat the stress for time being but in long run you would end up inviting other health problems.
AW Phani