Do you often enjoy fish right out of fire? If yes then you would have good memory! Don't think it's a joke, it's in fact true. A study carried out by a few researchers at University of Alberta revealed that omega-3 fatty acid, which is found in fish will improve the memory. Taking good amount of fish on regular basis will ensure that DHA levels will improve. This in turn would make hyppocampus (the part of brain, which is responsible for memory) work efficiently.
The study has observed that the cells in hyppocampus would communicate better with each other when DHA levels in that particular region were higher. So, it is adviced that one should take fish regularly in their diet. If you don't like sea food because of smell, the nutritionists have asked to fry the fish.
The recent findings by the team at University of Alberta can be found in the journal - Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism.
(AW Phani)