Scientists say, eating a curry once or twice in a week could avoid dementia!
February 16, 2012 20:18
Well as most of us requires so much of backing when it comes to moving towards the curry house.
As the scientists have turned up with one of the most excellent reasons, always adding a spicy ingredient in a curry which results better treatment for Alzheimer's disease.
Alzheimer's disease is connected to the develop of bundles of protein in the brain called amyloid plaques, harming the wiring in brain cells. Published in the journal PLoSOne, The conclusions could assist and give a reason for why dementia rates are too below with the elderly in India than in their Western colleagues.
Previous research has found Alzheimer's affects just one per cent of people over the age of 65 living in some Indian villages. Drugs with similar properties to curcumin could potentially be used as preventative treatments.
In the study Professor Per Hammarstrom and colleagues also found five groups of fruit flies genetically engineered to develop Alzheimer's-type symptoms manipulations maintained their mobility longer when given curcumin. The scientists saw no decrease of amyloid in the brain or eyes of the insects.
Curcumin did not dissolve the plaque, but accelerated the formation of nerve fibres by reducing the amount of their precursor forms, known as oligomers, from which they were formed.
Prof Hammarstrom, of Linkoping University in Sweden, said: 'The results confirm our belief that it is the oligomers that are most harmful to the nerve cells.'
Several theories have been established about how oligomers can instigate the disease process. According to one hypothesis they become trapped at nerve junctions inhibiting impulse signals. Others claim they destroy brain cells by puncturing membrane.
From thousands of years Curcumin has been using as a medicine, As Curcumin is taken out from the the root of turmeric. Well as this helps in digestion, and also helps in fighting infection and protects in opposite to heart attacks.
In the recent times Curcumin has been tested in opposite to pain, thrombosis and cancer.