How many products in nature are there that can give you as many health benefits as honey does? Certainly there are some, but not that many. Honey is one of these food products that different people have had various opinions on because it is full of glucose and fructose, the so-called simple sugars.
Being a sugar, honey has been in the awkward position of being labelled a food product with "dubious health benefits." Sugars, flour and salt are, after all, considered man's worst enemies or so the saying goes. Chemically speaking and under a microscope, honey does not look different from white sugar.
The scientists have begun to look at honey with more enthusiasm recently after honey's healing properties have been confirmed with regard to a number of medical conditions.
What exactly are they?
Honey reinforces your immune system. It attacks bad bacteria and it does it with great efficiency because many micro-organisms cannot grow in an environment with low water activity. Honey helps to produce red blood cells and hemoglobin. It helps to soothe the work of the liver, the stomach and the digestive tract. It is highly recommended for stomach pains and the dysfunction of vital human organs.
Honey lowers and balances the blood pressure. It is good for your blood circulation. It helps to lower bad cholesterol. It is good for acne. It is good for skin problems in general: cuts, burns and all kinds of wounds heal faster after you apply some honey on them.
Anything else?
Yes, honey is good for the nervous system; it is recommended for depression, schizophrenia and in situations that are highly stressful.
Taken regularly, honey with milk or warm water prevents you from catching a cold. It does away with a headache and a sore throat, too.
What exactly makes it so healthy?
It is not so obvious but it is probably a combination of things: honey is produced by bees that collect nectar from many different types of flowers. It has a number of micro-elements and vitamins such as A, B1, B2, B6, B12 and C. Honey does possess anti-oxidants such as catalase, vitamin C and chrisin.
Honey is classified according to the floral source. Most honey that is produced commercially comes from, at least, two floral sources. Its colour, flavour and density are then greatly affected.
Honey is reported to have even greater health benefits when it is diluted in warm water and left overnight. It is recommended that you take it in the morning because its healing properties are then hugely magnified.