Pair of scissors sticking out of the head

June 23, 2015 14:54
Pair of scissors sticking out of the head

A man with a pair of scissors sticking out of his head, stunned hospital staff when he walked into A&E and politely asked if they could help him.

Blood-soaked Jonas Acevedo Monroy, 32, a resident of northwestern Mexico, had a rival in the local bar, where it turned very severe finally.   

An unknown person came over and started trying to wind Jonas up. When he thought that it is not working, he started abusing Jonas. The latter offered to buy the man a drink. But the aggressive person then pulled out a pair of scissors from his jacket and stabbed him in the head.

A man named Miguel Angel Rodriguez Armendariz, 30, who was passing by the route, rushed J0nas to the hospital in his car.

A hospital spokesman said: 'At first we thought it was some sort of joke, but then he fainted and we rushed him into emergency. He had been stabbed in the upper-left side of his skull and the scissors had penetrated his parietal brain lobe. He is lucky to be alive.'

By Phani


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