A burning desire to own an iPhone has turned a young couple into 'human traffickers' according to the Shanghai police. The Chinese couple, identified as Miss Zhang and Mr Teng sold their newly born baby girl for 5,000 Pounds to grab money for shopping. The duo are vehemently denying taking any money, while they face several years in jail for selling their baby.
When the woman was pregnant, she hid her pregnancy, explaining her baby bump to neighbors as a tumor. When the time for delivery came upon her, she and her husband delivered the girl in their house in order to keep it a secret. An advertisement to sell the baby has already been placed anonymously by this time.
Once the sale was made, the couple's credit card bills showed large transactions through online shopping. They purchased an iPhone in addition to expensive shoes and other luxury items. The unemployed couple insist that they merely gave up their daughter so that she could have a better, more secure future.
However, the prosecutors refused to believe them, considering the large purchases made at a crucial time. Prosecutors called the act a 'sinister conspiracy' armed with proof of bank records that showed how the money was used right after the sale. If selling a new born for an iPhone is shocking, China is witnessing more such incidents. Last year, a teenage boy sold his kidney to buy the same sought-after commodity.
(AW: Sruthi)