Belo Horizonte in Brazil has prostitutes gearing up for the free language classes in their preparation for the 2014 football World Cup. This is in attempt to please the foreign visitors better.
These are the preparations of the women while the government organizations and construction workers have their own duties to get the host cities ready and embellished in time.
State association of prostitutes president Cida Vieira said that their women needed to be ready by the time the foreign visitors are here.
There were volunteers who offered free classes in English Spanish and Portuguese. This was necessary because there were many sex workers who reached the city as immigrants and do not know the local language but it may be important at a time like this.
As of now there are 300 women who were interested but the numbers are expected to shoot up rapidly in this month or the next with people from Sao Paulo and other cities have been contacting them.
Vieira contends that being able to ask for a fair price and defend themselves, such a training is required to protect the dignity of the work.
(AW- Anil)