While the religious groups are demanding for a ban on Aamir Khan's 'PK' movie, in a sign of relief to the makers, Arya Samaj leader Swami Agnivesh backed the film and added that it is high time that films like 'PK' should be accepted by the people. In places like Agra, Bhopal, Delhi and Ahmedabad, right wings suchs as Vishwa Hindu Parishad agitated against the screening of the movie and even vandalised the theatres.
But Swami Agnivesh opined that PK film will bring a change in the country. He also suggested that the film should be made tax-free in all the states across the country. “To me the film is not against any religious or it did not hurt or target any religious group. PK should be made tax free in all the states in the country,” said the 75 year old Swami.
Uttar Pradesh and Bihar states have made PK film tax free. The film was released on December 19.