Aamir Khan's 'PK' may have opened with below expectations, but the film's box office collections are surging. Despite being the non-holiday season, PK managed to collect Rs 95.21 crores in the opening weekend, thanks to the positive mouth talk.
On Firday, PK collected Rs 26.63 crores, the following days, the collections were registered as Rs 30.34 crores and Rs 38.24 crores respectively. Aamir falls short of his own record that he set with 'Dhoom 3' which collected Rs 107.61 crores. PK is the fifth biggest opening for Bollywood this year while Shah Rukh Khan's 'Happy New Year' stands first at Rs 108.86 crores.
Christmas holiday, following weekend will be a big bonus for PK collections. The trade analysts are predicting the film to collect Rs 200 crores by the coming weekend. Also there are no big releases in Bollywood till January 9th which can make the collections more enormous.