Prime Minister Narendra Modi is ranked 15th in the Forbes list of World's most powerful people. This is debut for Modi in the Forbes magazine and is also the only BJP politician in the list. The international magazine has praised Modi's victory in the general elections and said, “India's newest rockstar doesn't hail from Bollywood. He is the newly elected Prime Minister who sailed into office in May with a landslide victory, ushering the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) into power after decades of control by the Gandhi dynasty.”
Russian President Vladimir Putin topped the list while US President Barack Obama followed the next position for the second consecutive year. The other Indians who found a place in this list are Reliance Industries chairman Mukesh Ambani at 36th, Mittal chairman and CEO Lakshmi Mittal at 57th and Microsoft's Indian-born CEO Satya Nadella at 64th.
(AW: Vamshi)