1. A degree or a job you don’t really want.
What you wanted to do? What you are doing? Analyze and come out of something you are not interested and start doing that something you are passionate about.
2. Love or Marriage.
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The influence is going to be throughout your life and it is you who are going to face the consequences later, not the people who suggest you ideas. So do not compromise on it and commit to it, only if you are satisfied completely.
3. Need not sacrifice health for work.
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Got busy in work? But health is important too. No point in regretting later. Put your foot into shoes immediately.
4. Never compare, you have your identity.
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People around you are in better positions? Remember, you are the best in something else, when compared with them. Recognize and work towards it. Success would be at your doorstep.
5. Time for risk
If not now, then when. You would not have nothing to memorize in your old age or say to your children, if you are avoiding the risk now.
6. Analyze different mentalities
You come across various mentalities at this age. Choose the ones, who fits your mentality and keep away others.
The age is yours, life is yours, the person who faces the circumstances would be only you. So every single decision you take at this age, would have an influence throughout your life. So the opportunity of taking the decision, should always be made by the world’s best decision maker of your life, which is always and always ‘YOU.’
By Phani