In an unending controversy on providing help to Lalit Modi, Sushma Swaraj is embroiled in yet another controversy of dining with Lalt Modi. The owner of Bentley hotel, Joginder Sanger, said that there were only 12 people at the dinner, including his own five-member family, Sushma Swaraj and her aide. The only other guest was Lalit Modi. Sources close to External Affairs Minister have confirmed that she did meet him at a "small, private dinner for 15" but not individually.
Lalit Modi is staying in the UK since 2010, after allegations of financial irregularities in the multibillion dollar Indian Premier League. His passport was cancelled by Indian authorities, but restored by the Delhi High Court.
BJP is firmly behind defending Sushma Swaraj, who has cited "humanitarian grounds" for helping Lalit Modi with UK travel documents, stating that he needed to be in Portugal for his wife's cancer surgery.
Former union minister P Chidambaram alleged that Sushma Swaraj must explain why she did not ask Lalit Modi to apply to the Indian embassy for travel documents, instead of helping him with UK papers.
Congress has raised questions about why Sushma Swaraj was at a social event with a man who is wanted in India over corruption allegations.
Rajasthan Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje, is also been dragged into the row by Lalit Modi. Documents released by Lalit Modi's PR team showed that Ms Raje had agreed to be a secret witness for the infamous former IPL chief's immigration application to the UK. Vasundhara Raje's son Dushyant Singh’s company has allegedly received a loan of Rs. 11.6 crore from Lalit Modi's firm.
External affairs minister, Sushma Swaraj is known for her exemplary performance. Her initiative in helping the Indian who were trapped in the Yemen crisis has received accolades from all over. Unfortunately a friendship turned sour on Lalit Modi issue. Nobody will say that she has done anything wrong for her personal benefit. As far as Lalit Modi is concerned, who ever associated with him has been trapped in one or other issue. Like a parasite he is destroying the people for his personal benefit. The government has to act in this case with determination to frame and punish an intelligent fraudster.
By Premji