A 35 year old named Chandre Oraon was born with a patch of hair on his lower back and this has become a headlines of the media terming him as the incarnation of Hindu lord Hanuman. With the news spreading like a virus to nearby villages and towns, common people are pouring down at Chandre's residence seeking his blessings.
Chandre's uncle Baldev Ram too believes that it is the gift of god and said, “With age, his tail has also been growing longer. So, we realised very early that he has the blessings of God.” The tails measures of 14.5 inches now and it is still growing. When asked about the tail Chandre says, “Once my mother chopped of my tail when I was young. Soon after, I got a high fever and I was very sick. My mother told me that I almost died. After that, everyone said I must keep the tail. My family said they felt me getting sick was a sign that my tail was divine. I am Hanuman. People have a lot of respect for me because of my tail. I don’t mind the tail at all. It is a gift by God.”
The Local people also believe that Chandre is incarnation of Lord Hanuman through his ability to climb trees effortlessly and healing powers. Monika Lakda a nearby villager travelled overnight to see Chandre on hearing his healing powers. Lakda said, “My brother's son was once very unwell and had fever. We gave him medicine but it did not work. So we came to Chandre to seek his blessings. The baby recovered soon after that. We believe that Chandre is an incarnation of Hanuman. They say he was born on the Holy Hanuman day. So we have faith in him.”
However doctors think it is rare congenital defect and have also offered to remove it but Chandre objected it.
(AW: Vamshi)