Congress MP Sabbam Hari made controversial statements against YSR Congress chief Jaganmohan Reddy and his media house Sakshi paper. These remarks became talk of the political circles as he severely criticized Sakshi media. Sabbam said, “There is no sincerity in Jagan's United AP moment. He is a big hypocrite and the only thing in Jagan's mind now is to become the chief minister of Seemandhra region. YSRCP has lost all the glory which had in its beginning.”
“In Telangana region there is no space for YSRCP and Jagan. He always does surveys and he might have known by now that all the reputation of the party went in vain. Also because of Jagan's attitude, many leaders are leaving YSRCP,” added Sabbam Hari
“Sakshi paper is the worst media in Andhra Pradesh. Eenadu is like a Quran, Bible and Bhagawat Geetha. Jagan tried to take Sakshi to Eenadu range but it did not meet the expectations. Now streets dogs are also least bothered about Sakshi paper, added Sabbam. These remarks hit YSRCP like a jolt and MLC Adireddy Apparao slammed Sabbam Hari. Adireddy claimed this as a new tactic by Congress party and comparing Eenadu with Bible and Quran shows Sabbam's mental status.