Exactly six months back Bollywood loverboy Ranbir Kapoor and Katrina Kaif were spotted in bikini holidaying in Spain. Seems like this couple has inspired other secret pairs of Bollywood and so a new couple were spotted holidaying in Maldives. They are Dhoom's Ali Uday Chopra and Rockstar lady Nargis Fakhri.
So far they haven't confirmed their relation publicly but were seen quite frequently in Mumbai streets. The couple were captured spending some quality time together in the island nation. Nargis was snapped wearing black colored bikini while Uday was seen in shorts. Sources say that Uday and Nargis been to Maldives to usher New Year together.
We have wait for some more time till they confirm their relation officially if not we can keep anticipating.
(AW: Vamshi Tunga)