![Too handsome for entry to fest](/media/k2/items/src/3b6d35578bcb23b6f91a3372a509f940.jpg)
You might have spotted the quotes on a T-Shirt: If being handsome is a crime, arrest me. Three men in Saudi Arabian didn't wear the T-shirt but were arrested for being too handsome. At a Cultural festival in the Saudi, their presence triggered a worry in the religious authorities that they would be chick magnets.
The incident took place at the Jenadrivah Heritage and Cultural Festival in Riyadh. The religious police of Saudi Arabia were not happy with the attractiveness of the men, from United Arab Emirates, at the public festival and hence hauled the men away from the event.
With rampant fears of women “falling” for their bountiful beauty, festival officials said they had to eject them. They were dragged out of the event and later deported back to UAE.
(AW- Anil)