"Let us enjoy our children for what they are And not for what we want them to be".
Each age of a child brings changes in the behavior pattern of a child. These changes come almost after every six months. With each change in the behavior pattern of the child, arise different problems and there are different types of solutions to these problems.
5 Year Olds
The habit of careful listening is another benefit of reading aloud to 5 years old. It is important to establish this habit before first grade.
Five year old child needs a special kind of affection and receives it in two ways: First, demonstrative affections, the good night kisses, the hug when they come home from school, affectionate tone of voice, they need to be told that you love them, praise is part of this; Two, commendation and approval mean to them, "you are a nice person, I like you".
6 Year Olds
Remember that a child of six cannot adapt; it is the others who must do the adapting.
When the child says 'no' try this method: See if you can do it before I count ten; or I guess you are going to need three chances and so on.
At this stage the child wants independence in choice of colours of clothes; he should be consulted - what colour he would prefer for a new shirt or a sweater.
Before going to bed at night the child demands to play some favored games with mother or father; this provides a good opportunity to the child for talking and smoothing out of his days tangles.
7 Year Olds
Parents need to be reasonably sympathetic but not take his complaints very seriously.
Don't make fun of him, sympathize with his discouraged mood, he needs to be helped to define stopping points.
Ages-7-10 are important to help a child to draw or model or paint the things around him. Children can take more criticism at this age level, and they like to paint each other's portrait, this is the age of painting pets, or the circus, or scenes in the home.
8 Year Olds
Parents and teachers should not let the child set an impossible task for himself.
He usually delays somewhat in carrying out a request and may argue and find excuses, but he finally obeys if you insult.
The child of eight does not want direction but just a hint or clue, for instance he prefers the word 'dinner' to wash his hands and get ready for dinner.
9 Year Olds
It is important not to impose yourself on the child of this age.
Troubles come from giving him too many directions, over insistence on complete conformity.
Whether you promise or reward, threaten or blackmail, appeal to their sense, morals or anything else, always avoid doing it in the same way you used to do when they were little.
He may wish to postpone the task till later and then may become so busy that he forgets.
The one thing that they don't want to be reminded of is of themselves as small children and you and the parent of the young child.
10 Year Olds
It is the golden period of planting liberalizing ideas. It is not an age for extensive remedial work, drill or pressure to do better.
The child will not respond well to monotonous drill assignments.
To conclude, let children not become adults before enjoying childhood.
Rather, let their childhood be enjoyable through playing! Explore through playing! Learn through playing! And grow through playing!
Note: (Reference taken from Sherwood Public School)
(AW:Samrat Biswas)