The Automated Mail Processing Center (AMPC) is going to be set up in Hyderabad near Shamshabad Airport with a cost of Rs.80 crores. It will be ready to function within one and half year's time.
The Chief Postmaster General AP Circle B V Sudhakar revealed today that an automated mail processing unit will be established at Shamshabad that will be third in the country. One such unit is functioning at Delhi and another at Kolkata.
Although paperless offices are being worked out and letters are replaced by text messages, emails and phone calls which are cheaper and more convenient than writing a letter and inserting in an envelope and sticking a postal stamp on it which now is felt as laborious and time taking, some communication has to be made through post or a private courier like sending of telephone bills, credit card bills, Bank’s confirmation letter of account holder’s address, driving licenses, Aadhar cards, ATM cards etc.
To promote the Postal Department all Government departments send letters by Indian Post. Postal Department can avoid delays due to manual sorting of the letters to make them reach the addressees fast by doing it by automatic machines the way bank’s cheques are exchanged in the clearing houses made the clearing fast.