62 New Covid-19 Cases Reported In AP State

May 22, 2020 13:42
62 New Covid-19 Cases Reported In AP State

(Image source from: Newindianexpress.com)

62 New Covid-19 Cases Reported In AP State:- According to the Andhra Pradesh state report, on Friday 8,415 samples have underwent tests in which 62 new COVID-19 cases were came positive then total 2514 cases in the state. In the state till today, 70% of patient recovery rate recorded and 51 discharges.

The AP government as released a health bulletin, according to that in the state 728 covid-19 active cases were there and 1731 total number of recovered cases. And till date 55 were died with a new death case reported in Krishna district.

Meanwhile, the AP government is making arrangements to the migrants by sending them to their native places through special services. On the other hand, more than 150 cases reported among the migrants by the government separately which were not residents of AP State.

(Video Source: Hmtv News)

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