Though BJP had some shattering victories in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand, they could not get clear majority in Goa. It was Manohar Parrikar who has been assigned the duty to make things smooth in the state. With Congress taking the attack, Supreme Court asked BJP to prove their strength in the state’s Assembly. Manohar Parrikar took the oath as Chief Minister last evening and he is all set to take the floor test.
While the BJP sources confident about Manohar Parrikar, they are predicting that the floor test will go smooth. With the regional parties walking behind Manohar Parrikar, it is a cake walk for the politician to grab Goa for the next five years. Out of the 40 seats, Manohar Parrikar is all set to get 22 in his favour. Manohar Parrikar stepped down as Union defence minister after which he has been asked to take the responsibility of Goa.