Arnab Goswami interview Prime Minister Modi

June 28, 2016 11:36
Arnab Goswami interview Prime Minister Modi

First time after becoming Prime Minister, Modi has given an interview for a private channel. During the most watched interview, Modi spoke on range of issues including government’s Pakistan’s policy to India’s NSG bid and its relation with China. Prime Minister Narendra Modi broke his silence on range of issues during his interview with Time Now anchor Arnab Goswami.

“The world in one voice is praising India’s role. Pakistan is finding it difficult to answer. The world is watching. If we remain an obstacle then we will have to convince the world that we are not like this,” Modi said in the interview.

“Earlier the world would not buy India’s theory on terrorism and sometime it would even treat it out as law and order problem. Now the whole world is accepting what India says on terrorism. It is accepting the loss caused to India by terrorism, the loss caused to humanity by terrorism. I believe India will have to continue putting forth its view on this matter,” he said.

“I fought elections on the issue of development. Even the answer to the talks of communalism is development. Don’t make them hero. I urge media to stop making them hero. If you will stop covering them they will stop speaking,” he said.

“First thing is that India has taken up such efforts consistently whichever government was in power, be it membership of UN Security Council, SCO or MTCR or NSG. All of us made efforts. It is not only this government which has done this. This is in continuity. It is true that in our tenure, SCO has been achieved, MTCR membership has been achieved. I am fully confident that we have begun efforts in the direction of the NSG (membership), formally. The process has begun on a positive note. Everything is governed by its own rules. Things will move forward as per rules,” he said in reply to a question on NSG membership.

“I have a humrous side but these days humour can be a risky thing. Anybody can lift a small word and make a bis issue out of it. But I will tell you the truth, the reason for absence of humour in public life is this fear. I am myself scared. Today in 24/7 media time we all are scared of cracking jokes.”

By Premji

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