Indian soldier, Lance Naik Hanumanthappa Koppad's survival, even after five days, after an avalanche hit an Indian Army post in the Himalayan mountains, Siachen, an altitude of 19,600 feet, has now turned mystery and a miracle to many.
The reasons because, the experts claim that, avalanche victims 92% completely buried can be revived only if recovered within the first 15 minutes.
For an average victim, the brain starts getting damaged 10 minutes before death.
Lance Naik have to constantly battle high altitude pulmonary odema, cerebral odema, hypothermia, hypoxia and frost-bite.
Speculations on reasons for Siachen soldier’s survival
Firstly, Hanumanthappa was healthy and acclimatized to local weather conditions. It boosted him to survive even in the extreme cold.
Possibly, the pit where he was stuck had some air pocket, which provided him the bare minimum oxygen.
How did army rescue Siachen soldier?
- Army deployed deep penetration radars, capable of detecting metallic objects and heat signatures at a depth of 20 metres, and radio signal detectors.
- In knocked down condition, the radars hauled to the spot by IAF’s choppers.
- Army said that, the rescue dogs - Dot and Misha, did a tremendous job.
- Special battery operated snow cutters had to be flown in using helicopters
On the other hand, the biggies of the country, made tweets offering prayers for the speedy recovery of Hanumanthappa.
The soldier had been trapped since February 3rd, when a wall of ice, a kilometer wide and 800 metres high, came crashing down on his army post, killing nine of his colleagues.
By Phani Ch