Siachen Miracle, Lance Naik Hanamanthappa Koppad, who fought with the death for six days all alone, is currently being treated by the doctors and as of now, the condition is still critical.
Reportedly, his health condition has worsened more than before with evidence of oxygen deprivation to the brain on CT scan. There is even the evidence of pneumonia in Koppad’s both lungs.
“His multi-organ dysfunction state continues unabated. His condition has deteriorated despite aggressive therapy and supportive care,” the medical bulletin revealed.
Hanumanthappa was examined by a team of Army Hospital doctors comprising critical care specialists, HoD Dept of Medicine, senior nephrologist, senior neurologist and a panel of experts from AIIMS, New Delhi.
“The entire team was in agreement with the management (of medical problems) that the patient had undergone till now, and concurred with the future plan of management for him,” the Bulletin said.
From the site of the avalanche, that hit his post on Siachen Glacier, on Tuesday, Koppad was evacuated by a helicopter, before being shifted to Delhi in an IAF aircraft accompanied by a critical care specialist of the force and a medical specialist from the base camp.
Koppad is currently being treated by a team of nephrologist, intensivists, neurologist, endocrinologist and surgeons. He has been administered fluids and drugs to bring up his blood pressure, besides antibiotics.
On the other side, the social media is virally praying for Koppad’s speedy recovery and the issue is even being trended with the hashtag #SiachenMiracle, implying that, Siachen survival for six days in the extreme cold conditions is a miracle.
By Phani Ch