The Air India has introduced a promotional scheme, with fares starting Rs 1,777 (inclusive of all taxes), on its domestic network of 66 destinations. Tickets can be booked from June 10-12, 2015 to avail the scheme.
Many private airlines have announced the various promotional schemes during the year. Finally, now it is the turn of Air India to announce the scheme, to boost up the airline traffic.
How to book the tickets?
- Log into Air India official website
- Dial to the toll free number 1800 180 1407
- Any authorized travel agent
Validity of the tickets
"Tickets bought against the 'Monsoon' sale will be valid for travel from July 1-September 30, 2015," the Air India official said.
A growth of 21.28 per cent is observed in the airline traffic, when compared to the past year. Through the schemes like this, Air India is planning to increase such traffic.
By Phani
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