Capital city of Andhra pradesh is going to establish a Law academy soon and regarding this, Prime Minister Modi attended.a conference which is held at Delhi where all the judges and chief ministers of the country including AP CM Chandrababu Naidu also took part in the conference.
Mr.Naidu spoke about the adverse situation of law in the country. He opined that there is an immediate necessity to safeguard principles of law and to protect the people of the country. He reminded the discussion which is held about the rural law academies in 2013 and strictly said those law academies should not influence other ordinary courts in the country.
CM told that the Central budget which allocated 2.68% share is not sufficient for the present situation in the country, he asked the centre to increase its share. Reforms in the law will always increase the confidence in the people towards the government. They feel like the cases will be solved soon. The proposals for Indian law services and reforms will always be welcomed by him he said.
Speaking further, CM added, the similar procedure to be carried on by whole country for the appointment of the judges. He ended inviting the immediate settlement at the courts where women, children and old people are involved AP CM Chandrababu Naidu and also supported the second stage of E-courts and also said that aadhar was allocated to 96% people in the AP state and this might help to eliminate the corruption across the state.
If all the above estimations are worked out well, there can be a good hope on AP state especially in terms of law.