Bharat Ratna for this year has been announced to former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Pandit Malviya. It has been announced that President is going to confer awards on 27th of this month. To confer this award, President will go to Vajpayee’s residence in Delhi.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi along with his entire cabinet is expected to be present at Vajpayee’s residence at 5 pm on March 27 to witness the BJP stalwart being bestowed with the honour.
Vajpayee is one of the great BJP leaders and known to be longest Prime minister outside Congress party. Along with him the award is also presented to Pandit Malviya who is remembered for stellar role during independent movement. On his behalf, his family will receive the award on his behalf at Rashtrapati Bhavan.
Last year, BJP had criticised Congress for ignoring Vajpayee's contribution to the nation.
AW: Lizitha