Eight members of the Opposition YSR Congress were today suspended from the Andhra Pradesh Assembly for three days for "unruly behaviour" in the House. Speaker K Sivaprasad Rao took this decision after Legislative Affairs Minister Y Ramakrishnudu moved a resolution to this effect. The suspended MLAs refused to move out of the house and continued to be in the Well of the House despite appeals to vacate the House by the Speaker, who then summoned Marshals. The MLAs, raised slogans against the Speaker, refused to relent and were bodily lifted and taken out.
Leader of Opposition Y S Jaganmohan Reddy said if one can verify the last five minutes of his speech, it would be clear that he was speaking on issues of public interest. Reddy accused the Chair of not being "impartial", and the Speaker said the conduct of the YSR Congress members was nothing short of "anarchy". Speaker told Reddy not to "twist facts" and pointed out that discussion on budget could not be taken up in the last three days due to the unruly behavior of these MLAs. In protest against the Speaker's action, all YSR Congress members staged a walk-out.
By Premji