The Assembly sessions have started from Saturday and the Telangana Assembly has gained heat. Telangana Chief Minister KCR said that all should join hands for the development of the newly formed state. The TDP MLAs have interrupted the sessions frequently after which the Speaker Madhusudhanachari has suspended 10 TDP MLAs and the list included Erabelli Dayakar Rao, A Gandhi, Maganti Gopinath, Sandra, T Prakash Goud, Revanth Reddy, Rajendar Reddy, Sainna and Vivek.
Some of the leaders have not sung the National Anthem in the house during the starting ceremony which left everyone in shock. The speaker demanded the members to say sorry to the house for not singing the national anthem during the sessions. Senior Congress leader Jana Reddy requested the Speaker to verify the video of the Saturday sessions once again and take action on those who were left idle during the starting cermony. However KCR revealed that the opposition parties are trying hard to postpone the budget sessions and we request everyone to cooperate. He also said that the sessions will be extended if they need time for the budget discussions.